Table of Contents
Start by Cloning an Existing Landing Page
To create Landing page Go To Landing Page Dashboard.
Clone Page
Clone this page for Cognito Form standalone open form page
Clone this page for Workshop landing page having HubSpot lead form in popup using CTA 1 Module.
Clone this page for Registration Page
Clone this page for Augusta Rule Opt-In - Email Only LP
Clone this page Intake Form Page - LP
Page Cloning
Cognito Open Form
Adaptable Qualification Form with the Option to Choose Between Cognito Form or HubSpot Form
For a standalone open form, this will be used only once on the page.
You can update Cognito Form Source in module editor
Apply Popup
Go to the Style tab.
toggle the apply popup checkbox to display the form as a popup.
If the popup is applied and the module is used multiple times on the same page, it is essential to ensure the Enable Cognito Embed Form checkbox is checked to render the form once per page.
Module Info
You can update Cognito Form Source in module.
Popup Button text can be change in editor. to enable this enable popup from style tab.
To update Qualification Form Page Dropdown List, You can update it here [ Field Property Editor].
Pre-Fill the form type to indicate the appropriate type of Lead Magnet (e.g. "Wealth Waste Calculator" vs. "Augusta Rule" vs. "Online Course", etc.) .
Add Unique Values
if this is already listed in hubdb Table, that's fine else add unique values in table.
Dropdown internal name == Table Column 'Name' == table 'Page url'.
Shown field will remain hidden in page, just to showcase the output in page.
For instance, when we are on the /course page, the dropdown will automatically populate with the name, and this selection will be stored in a hidden field within the form. Consequently, the specified name will appear in the CRM; in this scenario, 'Online Course' will be displayed in the CRM.
Thank You Pages are handled via Cognito Form Submission, eliminating the need for a thank you page link in the HubSpot page editor module.
Native HubSpot Form in Waste Calculator Module
This form can be displayed in two formats: as a standalone open form or as a popup activated by a button.
Open Form
To activate the HubSpot form in the Waste Calculator, check the 'Apply HS Form' option in the module editor.
to update thank you pages, change url or text in module editor
Popup Form
By choosing the popup option in the style tab, we can transform this form into a popup. Once selected, additional options such as button text and button color will appear within the module. Apply the relevant conditions as needed.
Configure Thank-You Page Re-Direct Logic
Modify the CTA 1 Module, as necessary, to ensure the lead is directed to the appropriate thank-you page based on the data entered upon submission of the form.
Thank you pages
When multiple modules are present on the same page, it is essential to select the checkbox for the first module.
Conditional Thank you pages
Selecting this option will generate form code that includes multiple thank you pages, determined by JavaScript form conditions. File
Update TYP URL's
You can update thank you page url's in page editor.
if Embed Coded checkbox checked then link below selection MQL / Page / Payment will be act as a Thank you page supplier to form embed code.
Select Button type as Popup Form to display as Popup. we have 3 options there. one is for hyperlink button with page link, popup form and CTA. Select as per requirement.
Button type
Module Info
Module Name - Email UTM Button | Promo Button
- select and place in Email Editor.
- all UTM parameter are attached with button.
course?utm_campaign=Call &utm_source=Vip_Referrals &utm_medium=Referral & &firstname=Developer &lastname=xyz &phone=112233112233 &lifecycle=Disqualified &record_id=34X9XX22X81
[ in first place after page slug '?' and afterward to join more param '&' will be there]
Navigate to Button Styling to see various styling for button. change according to need.
change color and all settings related to style.
You can add multiple buttons in a row.
added link for promo table in module. you can navigate there as well if needed.
Parameter Functionality
this is not a module but a condition which will show content and make button functionality according to utm combination.
Promo link format. you can add or remove each param separately. PageLink?QueryString
?utm_campaign=Call &utm_source=Vip_Referrals &utm_medium=Referral &lifecycle=prequal
Update Page Name Mapping Table -- Update Promo Offer Table link
Module Info
Cognito Register Form > Module Link
either retain the prefilled values or input new values using the Cognito embed form.
You can clone this page for easy setup